Our Mission & Values

Our vision, mission and values are dear to us at Catalyst Coaches. Our vision is to inspire and transform lives and businesses through empowered coaching and strategic guidance.

A woman in deep conversation holding a cup of coffee

Our Mission

As business and life coaches, our vision is to be a catalyst for positive change, helping individuals and businesses unlock their true potential.

By fostering a culture of continuous growth, resilience, and innovation, we aspire to enable our customers to achieve their dreams, lead fulfilling lives, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Through personalised coaching and strategic insights, we aim to transform challenges into opportunities and drive sustainable success.

Our Values

  1. Integrity – We are commited to honesty, transparency and ethical practices in all our interractions and decisions.
  2. Empathy: Understanding and valuing the unique perspectives and experiences of each client, fostering a supportive and compassionate coaching environment
  3. Cheerleading: We will celebrate your successes and encourage you to push yourself as high as you want to go.
  4. Enabling Profitability: We will do whatever we can to enable your business to develop and increase its profits.
Zoomed in photo of two people's hands pointing at a financial report.

Our coaching practice is governed by the EMAA Global Code of Ethics.

Ready to take action? Contact Catalyst Coaches today to learn more about how our services can help you and your business to grow!

Are up a hospitality professional?  Do you run a pub, restaurant, cafe, B&B or other hospitality business?  Visit our hospitality arm – Pub Doctors.