Coaching and Gardening – Lessons from a Humble Cauliflower

Coaching & Gardening - More than a Cliche


Coaching and gardening have often been linked together, with seedlings being an emblem for many coaching companies to the point of being a bit of a cliché. The art of coaching and mentoring often draws on traditional business models and psychological theories. But what if some of the best coaching lessons were really right outside our window, in the garden?

I have been thinking about this as I watch my first ever cauliflower grow.  There are quite a few achievements in my life and career that I am proud of, however, I think growing this cauliflower is strangely up there!

During lockdown, like many others, my interest in gardening grew. I spent hours pottering around in the garden, and I am delighted with how colourful and full it looks. Growing vegetables in my raised beds is quite a new thing for me and I am hooked. Picking raspberries of their cane for breakfast is a joy, as is picking salad leaves not stored in plastic and going soggy! As I potter about, I have time to think and I often contemplate what Mother Nature has to teach us about growth, resilience, and nurturing potential.

Here is how a humble cauliflower can provide fresh insights into coaching and mentoring.

  1. Planting the Seeds is Like Setting Goals and Intentions

Just as a I planted cauliflower seeds with the hope of delicious meals, a coach helps clients plant the seeds of their goals and dreams. However, it all starts with a clear vision, followed by a definite plan. What kind of plant (or life) do you want to cultivate? Picking the right seeds was essential.  I recently planted some seeds thinking they were nasturtiums and was quite perplexed when as young seedlings I realised they were in fact lettuce! Taking time to set clear intentions and ensuring you have the right vision is the first step toward achieving growth.

  1. Patience and Persistence – The Slow Bloom

Gardens don’t flourish overnight, and neither do people. Growth takes time, and it often requires patience and persistence. My cauliflowers seemed to grow blind, but eventually the heads appeared.  As a coach, encouraging clients to stay committed to their goals, even when progress seems slow, is crucial. Just as a I waited for the first seedlings to sprout; we must recognise that progress is often invisible before it becomes evident. This is often a time when someone quits working on their dream – because they want fast results. There can be quick wins along the way, but sometimes a coach needs to encourage patience.

  1. Nurturing Supportive Spaces

My cauliflowers thrive in an environment that meet their needs for sunlight, water, and nutrients. Similarly, people flourish when they are in supportive environments. Coaches can help clients identify and create conditions that foster their growth, whether it’s a positive workplace, a healthy work-life balance, or encouraging relationships. The coaching space must always be a supportive environment. 

  1. Pruning for Growth and Letting Go of the Unnecessary

My next parallel in coaching and gardening is the need to prune. Pruning is essential in gardening to remove dead or overgrown branches and encourage healthy growth. In coaching, this translates to helping clients let go of habits, limiting beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve them. Pruning away the unnecessary allows clients to channel their energy into areas where they can truly flourish. However, I am someone who can get carried away when pruning, so it is important to know when to stop! At least with a cauliflower, I only have to trim the odd dying leaf.

  1. Weathering the Storms and Building Resilience

Every garden faces storms, droughts, and pests. Similarly, everyone encounters challenges and setbacks. Resilience is about weathering these storms and bouncing back stronger. Coaching can help individuals develop resilience by preparing them for obstacles and teaching them to view challenges as opportunities for growth. I thought my cauliflower would get eaten by the myriads of caterpillars which have just stripped my neighbouring Jostaberry plant bare (I still don’t know what a Jostaberry tastes like). However, I have been diligently watching out for them and they have miraculously left my cauliflowers alone.

  1. Celebrating the Harvest: Acknowledging Achievements

There’s nothing more rewarding for a gardener than harvesting the fruits of their labour. I am so excited about my first cauliflower this year! It is nearly ready and I am already thinking about roasting it with garlic to bring out the nutty flavour.  Similarly, celebrating achievements is an essential part of the coaching process. Acknowledging milestones and successes, no matter how small, motivates clients to continue their journey toward their larger goals.

So What Does Coaching and Gardening have in Common?

Mother Nature, in all her wisdom, offers important lessons for coaching and mentoring. By observing and applying the principles of gardening, coaches can help their clients cultivate their potential and achieve meaningful growth. So next time you’re seeking inspiration, consider the humble cauliflower or look no further than your own backyard.

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Picture of a large cauliflower head with lots of leaves growing in the garden illustrating the link between coaching and gardening.

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Picture of Liz King

Liz King

Lead Consultant at Catalyst Coaches

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